From Wakenhut to Allied Universal, PROMIS to PRISM, BCCI to Banker Bailouts
What Danny Casolaro may have died trying to tell us and what Edward Snowden never did
The Wackenhut Corporation
The Private CIA that Grew to Become GEO Group and Allied Universal
George Russell Wackenhut grew up in Upper Darby, outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (12 miles from the Eastern HQ of Allied Universal, but more on that later) graduated from Upper Darby High School in 1937. Wackenhut served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II and witnessed the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. He graduated from what is now known as West Chester University, (24 miles from the Eastern HQ of Allied Universal). He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Hawaii. and a master's degree in education from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (100 miles from the Eastern HQ of Allied Universal) and spent his early career as a Physical Conditioning Officer in Hawaii and Virginia.
Freedom of information requests submitted by show that George Wackenhut first applied to work for the FBI in February 1945. He requested a starting salary of $3500 as a physical education instructor, the FBI offered him a different job at half the starting salary, having not made a good impression for the role.
On the 14th of December 1950, Wackenhut re-applied to the FBI and was accepted. spent the intervening years as Chairman of the Physical Education Department at John Hopkins University.
This time Wackenhut seemed to tick more of the required boxes, exhibiting more of the personality and character traits that the FBI were looking for. However it is also worth considering that the character and nature of the FBI itself had also changed in the 5 intervening years with the rise of the Cold War and the Military Industrial Complex tightening its grip over America’s institutions.
Wackenhut’s potential was deemed ‘above average’ and whatever we can say of what happened next, it was very far from average.
On the 21st of May 1954, after a period of less than three and a half years with the bureau, Wackenhut resigned.
After Wackenhut’s resignation a suspected incident of domestic abuse and violent assault came to light whereby Wackenhut was alleged to have beat his wife and another man he suspected of having inappropriate relations with.
It is likely that the bureau closed ranks on this one and Wackenhut tendered his resignation before the event might have reflected badly on him and them. The FBI did and does take great pride in its hiring and psychological profiling. The fallout of overlooking this aspect to Wackenhut’s character, or perhaps the fact that it was known to some but not others would have created much internal conflict.
Therefore it’s likely that Wackenhut fell on his sword with a view to becoming what he was to become next: a private security contractor playing on the Cold War McCarthy-ite paranoia of the American Military Industrial Complex establishment: a fantastically good business decision in hindsight. His psychological profile was probably determined to be of better use on the outside as a ‘fixer’ of problems that the FBI couldn’t fix within existing constraints.
Wackenhut left the FBI with fellow troublemakers William Stanton and Edward L. Dubois and A. Kenneth Alfschul to set up on their own in Coral Gables, Florida.
The four started their first business, Fidelifax, which still exists today and is based in New York, helping business to keep records on potential communist sympathizers and workers who could create labor union trouble, taking advantage of the McCarthy era paranoia and walking a legal tight rope in the process: clearly spying for interests within Power Capital and government, but at arm’s length for fear of scandal and backlash.
Wackenhut was strongly aligned with what Francis Boyle would call the Neo-Con, Neo-Nazi wing of the Republican Party, similar to Anthony Fauci. He kept many close ties with many politicians and was a pioneer of Military Industrial Complex Lobbying. From small beginning the Wackenhut Corporation, as it became, was popular throughout Florida: offering local law enforcement the opportunity to work overtime as private security and keeping local industry magnates safe from perceived threats. By 1961 Wackenhut was soliciting future President and then Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, for business.
Initial opinions about Wackenhut’s business were mixed, highlighting unfavorable publicity associated with his spying operations on behalf of business owners, and Wackenhut’s highly aggressive growth strategy and its founder’s ‘super-salesman’ personality.
“In 1962, Wackenhut operations extended from Florida to California and Hawaii. On January 1, 1966, the company became international with offices in Caracas, Venezuela, through half ownership of an affiliate.
“The Wackenhut Corporation became public in 1966 with over-the-counter stock sales and joined the American Stock Exchange in 1967. Through acquisitions of subsidiaries and affiliates, now totaling more than 20, and expansion of its contracts into numerous territories and foreign countries, the Wackenhut Corporation has grown into one of the world’s largest security and investigative firms.
— Wackenhut Corporation Employee Induction Manual (from the Last Circle by Cheri Seymour, Chapter 4)
By 1966 and 1967 Wackenhut Corporation became a public company and had garnered favorable opinions from influential political figures and Wackenhut had clearly tapped up his old military pals in the Pacific Fleet to expand into Hawaii, California and then into Venezuela to protect the United States strategic energy interests, an area of business that would serve the Wackenhut Corporation well to the present day.
For further information on the rise of Wackenhut’s dealings through the 1970s and 1980s see: From FBI reject to private warlord: the rise of George Wackenhut at
Fast forward to the height of the Inslaw Octopus Affair in 1990 and Wackenhut had become a Private CIA working on behalf of US Military Industrial Complex Power Capital interests, keeping a tight hold of all key strategic US infrastructure from falling into the hands of the ‘Communist Menace’.
It is not possible to overstate the special relationship Wackenhut enjoys with the federal government. It is close. When it comes to security matters, Wackenhut in many respects *is* the government. In 1991, a third of the company's $600- million in revenues came from the federal government, and another large chunk from companies that themselves work for the government, such as Westinghouse.
Wackenhut is the largest single company supplying security to U.S. embassies overseas; several of the 13 embassies it guards have been in important hotbeds of espionage, such as Chile, Greece and El Salvador.
It also guards nearly all the most strategic government facilities in the U.S., including the Alaskan oil pipeline, the Hanford nuclear-waste facility, the Savannah River plutonium plant and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Wackenhut maintains an especially close relationship with the federal government in other ways as well. While early boards of directors included such prominent personalities of the political right as Captain Eddie Rickenbacker; General Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis [academic at University of Madison Wisconsin, has a college football stadium named after him, but no Wikipedia page, little public info], a John Birch Society leader, current and recent members of the board have included much of the country's recent national-security directorate: former FBI director Clarence Kelley; former Defense secretary and former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci: former Defense Intelligence Agent director General Joseph Carroll; former U.S. Secret Service director James J. Rowley; former Marine commandant P. X. Kelley; and acting chairman of President Bush's foreign- intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. Before his appointment as Reagan's CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut's outside legal counsel. The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll.
— SPY Magazine, Volume 6, September 1992 , Inside the Shadow CIA by John Connolly
William Casey was Director of the CIA between 1981 and 1987 and oversaw the entire United States Intelligence Community in his tenure. That he was appointed by Wackenhut to act as outside legal council shows that not only was Casey getting paid handsomely but was also managing the legal liabilities of their operations as a private company, which according to the sworn testimonies of many are extensive: from the civil to the criminal to the outright treasonous.
In light of this the CIA’s whole disinformation program could have and likely did have an angle as a Public Relations exercise for the likes of Wackenhut Corporation. Casey himself died at a very opportune moment with respect to the ongoing PR concerns of ‘The Company’.
'Casey was suspected, by some, of involvement with the controversial Iran-Contra affair, in which Reagan administration personnel secretly traded arms to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and secretly diverted some of the resulting income to aid the rebel Contras in Nicaragua, in violation of U.S. law. Casey was called to testify before Congress about his knowledge of the affair. On 15 December 1986, one day before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress, Casey suffered two seizures and was hospitalized. Three days later, Casey underwent surgery for a previously undiagnosed brain tumor. While hospitalized, Casey died less than 24 hours after former colleague Richard Secord testified that Casey supported the illegal aiding of the Contras.' - Wikipedia
Oliver North himself claims that Inslaw Octopus member Manucher Ghorbanifer, named by Danny Casolaro in his Manuscript, originated the Iran-Contra deal. Danny Sheehan was mentioned in Casolaro’s Octopus Cast of Characters and he gives a very insightful summary of the Iran-Contra scandal in 1987, especially given subsequent events such as 9/11, the Banker Bailouts and CoVid-19.
Ted Gunderson, however, wouldn’t put anything past a guy like Oliver North. According to him and Chip Tatum: in the 1980s it was almost anything goes to further the Reagan military and intelligence agenda.
Wackenhut Corrections Corporation was formed as a division of the Wackenhut Corporation in 1984 after George Zoley presented the idea of a separate prison management company to Wackenhut founder George Wackenhut. It was incorporated as a Wackenhut subsidiary in 1988. In July 1994, GEO Group became a public company via an initial public offering.
In March 2002, after decades as an independent company, The Wackenhut Corporation announced its intention to enter into a merger with Group 4 Falck, a Danish security company. (BSV backup) At the time George Wackenhut owned over 50% of the Wackenhut Corporation and made $570 million from the sale.
G4S was formed in July 2004, when Group 4 Falck's security business merged with Securicor to create Group 4 Securicor and began trading on both the Copenhagen and London Stock Exchanges.
In late 2020 GardaWorld and Allied Universal made takeover offers for the company. In February 2021 the Allied Universal offer was accepted with G4S delisted from the Copenhagen and London Stock Exchanges. In April 2021, the acquisition was completed. G4S operations still operate under the G4S brand and are still headed up by Ashley Almanza. Allied Universal’s headquarters are split between Conshohocken, Pennsylvania in the East, twelve miles from where George Wackenhut grew up in the 1920s and 1930s, and Santa Ana, Southern California in the West, within a few hours’ drive of the Coachella Valley, where the Inslaw Octopus case started breaking out in the 1980s. Coincidence? In my own opinion it’s clear that Allied Universal is the new name for the Wackenhut Corporation in 2022, formed under the cover of CoVid-19. precisely the sort of thing that Danny Sheehan predicted would happen under defacto martial law, with GEO Group remaining in Florida as part of its 1960s and 1970s legacy to profit from the results of the pervasive criminal environment by running prisons.

Noted private equity investors in Allied Universal are the Blackstone Group via their purchase of the original company, AlliedBarton, founded in 1957, around the same time as Wackenhut Corporation (likely under a similar remit but fulfilling missions that didn’t create international spy and narco-terrorism scandals) Partners Group of Zug, Switzerland, which invested in Universal pre-merger and Warburg Pincus of New York, USA.
As of February 2022 Warburg-Pincus, via two companies of its own, and billionaire real estate magnate Barry Sternlicht, via his company JAWS Estate Capital LLC, announced a plan to create a three way Special Purpose Acquisition Company deal to take Allied Universal public. CoVid Stimulus: now with extra private security working on behalf of private equity and passive landlords protecting private interests.
In this respect it’s important to know that foreign and domestic Black Ops and Private Security has evolved from the time of Danny Casolaro, Ted Gunderson, and William Casey into its own industry which crosses over with the public and private sectors into every day life. In addition to Surveillance Capitalism, there are armies of intelligence and counter-intelligence spies in all walks of life whose intentions we know nothing about as long as they bend the knee and succumb to gender pronoun ideology, the real moral questions today are no longer even asked.
The Inslaw Affair in a Nutshell
The Australian investigative reporting televesion program ‘A Current Affair’ investigated The Inslaw Affair in the 1990s and interviewed many of those involved directly. Part One starts with interviews Ari Ben-Menashe (named by Danny Casolaro in his unfinished Octopus manuscript) and Bill Hamilton, founder of Inslaw and creator of PROMIS software.
In Part Two a key witness and player in the Inslaw Affair, Michael Richonosciuto (pronounced ‘ri-co-no-shew-to’) was interviewed, giving a rare public appearance from prison. Richonosciuto claims to have spent ‘several thousand man hours’ working on PROMIS software on behalf of the Wackenhut Corporation putting in precisely the sorts of back doors that so outraged the Australian government and press at the time. Richonosciuto backs up his claim as part of his sworn affidavit from 1991. Backups are stored on the BitcoinSV block chain here: pages 1, 2 and 3.

Peter Videnieks is someone about whom it is difficult to find information, but it is known that Danny Casolaro was planning to meet Videnieks just days after his death. Clearly he is a very unsavory character: his name never appears in the story around another other than treasonous criminality. Michael Richonosciuto also claims that PROMIS software was given to Reagan crony Earl W. Brian in return for helping to organize the October Surprise.
Further information with respect to the relationship between Ari Ben-Menashe, Rafi Eitan (who resigned as a result of the Jonathan Pollard Affair) and Earl W. Brian is revealed in the book ‘Gideon’s Spies’ by Gordon Thomas, excerpts of which were published by the Toronto Star in August 2000 (BitcoinSV backup)
'Rafi Eitan realized that neither Earl Brian nor his company had the resources to market Promis globally. That would require someone with superb international contacts, boundless energy, and proven negotiating skills. There was only one man Rafi Eitan knew who had those requirements: Robert Maxwell.'
Thus Michael Richonosciuto’s testimony links right back to the Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein Octopus to this day.
In addition, according to the Napa Sentinel, Richonosciuto’s Grand Jury statement (BitcoinSV backup here) states that he worked on extremely sensitive US military research and development including bioweapons development, electronic warfare development, thermal imaging technology, laser technology and details Wackenhut Corporation’s duplicity and double dealing which, he claimed, amounted to more than corruption, it amounted to treason.
This perhaps explains, then, according to FOIA requests submitted in 2018, why the FBI have maintained, and perhaps still do maintain, an open file on Danny Casolaro’s death.
He [Danny] said to me ‘if an accident happens to me, don’t believe it’
— Bobby Casolaro (Danny’s brother)
Part 3 leads to Elliot Richardson, former United States Attorney General stalwart man of morals who famously stood up to Richard Nixon and tenured his resignation rather than fire the special prosecutor of the Watergate scandal Archibald Cox.
Also Judge George Francis Bason tells about how he lost his job as a district court judge for finding in favor of Inslaw vs The Department of Justice and ordering the DoJ to pay $8 million in damages.
Since then, further FOIA requests made by in 2017 have proven even more dropped leads and suspicious activity: Part 1, Part 2.
Nothing really came of those Australian congressional hearings, but I suppose we’re all used to that by now.
Geographic Areas of Interest
Sourthern California and Western Arizona
Notable locations within this vicinity:
Allied Universal Western Headquarters, Santa Ana, California
Where the forerunner to the Project Babylon Supergun, developed by Gerald Bull, who was mentioned in Danny Casolaro’s cast of characters and assassinated by Mossad, was developed. It was called Project HARP.
RAND Corporation Headquarters, Santa Monica, California
Pioneers of the ARPANET via Paul Baran
Barry M. Goldwater Military Testing Range
A military owned testing range guarded by G4S Yuma, Arizona (Allied Universal)
Jacqueline Cochrane Regional Airport
Former World War Two military training airport, now a general aviation airport with a focus on private jets in Thermal, California, just south of Indio, California (The Cabazon Reservation)
Mariposa, Madera and Fresno Counties, California
I made profuse notes as Riconosciuto spoke, not knowing where he was leading, but assuming his narrative would eventually intersect with my investigation of government sanctioned drug operations. Finally it did. According to Riconosciuto, Wackenhut Corporation “made in-roads” into the methamphetamine operation. A man named Richard Knozzi allegedly headed major government sanctioned meth laboratories in Fresno, Madera and Mariposa counties. A man named Al Holbert, a former Israeli intelligence officer with U.S. citizenship, was the liaison or connection between the Knozzi operation and the U.S. government.
— The Last Circle by Cheri Seymour, Chapter 3 (BitcoinSV backup)
The following morning, at 7:30 a.m., I received a collect call from a man who identified himself as Michael Riconosciuto (pronounced Riconoshooto). Riconosciuto, calling from the Pierce County jail in Tacoma, Washington, said he had been informed by Gunderson that I was investigating a corruption/drug ring in Mariposa County. For 45 minutes Riconosciuto related the names of those in charge of methamphetamine operations in Mariposa, Madera and Fresno counties.
A ton of methamphetamine had been seized in the area of my investigations, according to Riconosciuto. Richard Knozzi was a high level “cooker” and Jim DeSilva, Ben Kalka, and others were medium level distributors or lieutenants. Kalka was currently serving time in a Pleasanton prison; 900 pounds of methamphetamine had been seized under his control.
A ton of methamphetamine had been seized in the area of my investigations, according to Riconosciuto. Richard Knozzi was a high level “cooker” and Jim DeSilva, Ben Kalka, and others were medium level distributors or lieutenants. Kalka was currently serving time in a Pleasanton prison; 900 pounds of methamphetamine had been seized under his control.
“Who’s behind this ring?” I asked. Riconosciuto paused for a moment, then took a deep breath. “It’s The Company [Wackenhut + the CIA]. Arms get shipped to the Contras, the Afghanistan rebels [Mujahideen], the Middle East. You know, to fight the Soviet influence. But the Contras and the Mujahideen don’t have money to pay for arms, so they pay with drugs, cocaine or heroin. The Company handles the drug end of it in the U.S …”
“What’s The Company …?,” I asked. Riconosciuto interrupted, “Wait a minute. It’s a long story. You have to start at the beginning.” Concerned that Riconosciuto might have to hang up, I hurriedly pushed for answers. “Arms for drugs, do you have proof?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s a self-supporting system, they don’t have to go through Congress …”
“Michael,” I pressed, “who ships the arms?” Riconosciuto quieted for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “Let’s start with Wackenhut. I didn’t play ball with Wackenhut so they poisoned the well for me. I’m in jail because I worked for Wackenhut. The government has put together a very simple drug case against me … as if that’s what I’m about, just a druggie.”
— The Last Circle by Cheri Seymour, Chapter 4 (BitcoinSV backup)
Further details on the modern day horror that Mariposa, Madera and Fresno counties (Meth Country) have become today, after Wackenhut and the CIA began the ‘cooking’ business there, according to Michael Richonosciuto, from Vice News (age restricted): here and here.
And all the is going on in the back yard of:
The Coachella Valley
Notable locations:
Desert Hot Springs, California
The starting point for KESQ-TV’s investigation into the ‘Octopus Murders’ with serious police corruption and internal malfeasance centered around a string of murders, drugs and under-age prostitution
Center of the The Cabazon Reservation
Jacqueline Cochrane Regional Airport
Former World War Two military training airport, now a general aviation airport with a focus on private jets in Thermal, California, just south of Indio, California (The Cabazon Reservation)
Pittsburgh and Baltimore: Wackenhut Territory
A stone’s throw from Allied Universal Eastern HQ is an area with one of the worst drug abuse problems in the USA, and there’s a lot of competition in that league. Given known sworn testimony it should be concerning that this is going on in Allied Universal’s back yard.
Likewise in George Wackenhut’s old stomping ground of Baltimore, where he studied and worked as a Physical Education instructor at Johns Hopkins University, the drug abuse situation, law enforcement corruption and gun violence are destroying the city. This trend of societal decay seems to follow the Wackenhut/Inslaw saga around everywhere.
KESQ-TV: The Octopus Murders
The number of people who met an ‘untimely demise’, i.e. were murdered in cold blood, investigating the Cabazon-Wackenhut connection or falling foul of the rules of Omerta, according to Michael Richonosciuto, was over 50, including Danny Casolaro. Unfortunately KESQ-TV don’t get round to asking Richonosciuto, directly, because the investigative series focuses on the perspective of Desert Hot Springs Police and he was incarcerated in Tacoma at the time.
The NSA were updating the PROMIS user manual until July 2012, the year before the Edward Snowden leaks, which shows that PROMIS software itself was still of US national strategic interest until then.
Railgun weapons development and testing in the 1980s shows that the US Navy and DARPA must have been involved. Rail guns would be useful in clandestine operations, because they can be assembled from parts that few would recognize as artillery at face value.
After the police spent years putting together the case against Jimmy Hughes, former security chief of the Cabazon Indians in the 1980s, who is clearly guilty of triple murder in my view, is arrested in September 2009. Hughes admitted to murdering six people and admits to knowing about what happened on a hidden wiretap.
The case gets elevated to state level as Rod Pachedo recuses himself due to a family relationship with Hughes, whose ‘Christian Mission’ in Honduras is still operating.
It comes to light that the state had previously offered Jimmy Hughes lifetime immunity as an ‘eternal witness’, probably to the treasonous activities highlighted by Michael Richonosciuto is his sworn affidavits and Grand Jury testimony.
Then, in July 2010, just 6 months before before Kamala Harris became California Attorney General and just 4 months before the election, which she won by a margin of 0.8%, charges against Jimmy Hughes were dropped by the California District Attorney’s office by Deputy AG Mike Murphy due to there being ‘not enough evidence to prosecute’. Given that almost everyone else involved believed otherwise, and given everything else surrounding this case, the decision was and remains extremely suspect. Most likely this was used as a make weight to ensure that Kamala Harris won the election and retained favor with important and influential state interests. That Kamala continued to rise to the level of Vice-President afterwards again shows the levels of clout at work. The Attorney General at the time was Jerry Brown (Democrat). Rachel Begley was interviewed about the case by Wired Magazine in 2011.
In 2017 another Hit-man associated with Joseph P. Nichols and the Cabazon Reservation, Rusel Huber, was convicted of murdering Clyde Gregory Hayward at Nichols’ request. Meanwhile the FBI continues to delay releases of files related to the broader case.
Looking at Mike Murphy’s LinkedIn page we can see that he was educated in San Diego, which almost certainly means US Navy connections: that’s how influence is gained in San Diego.
Then looking at Mike Murphy’s interests, one in particular stands out and is non-generic. Exquadrum Inc. is a military equipment research, development and manufacturing company based in Victorville, California and Edwards Air Force Base.
Exaquadrum Inc do largely exactly the same sort of work that was started by Michael Richonosciuto nearby in the Coachella Valley with the Wackenhut Corporation. Exaquandrum count multiple US Armed Forces service branches amongst their customers as well as DARPA. This means state of the art and probably also classified engineering services, probably employing consultants who still remember people Jimmy Hughes and John Nichols from the Wackenhut + Cabazon Reservation days. For better or worse these American military types roll thick as thieves whether they camp out homeless together or take over the state government with drug money and illegal arms sales together, as George Carlin famously said: ‘It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!’.
While Edward Snowden’s leaks in 2013 and subsequent disclosures would have come as a surprise to those unfamiliar with the Inslaw Affair, but to those in the know at the time such as Wired Magazine contributor Richard L. Fricker, PRISM was not only a anagram of PROMIS minus the ‘O’, it was a continuation of United States Military Industrial Complex policy since 1982 (BitcoinSV backup), what had already been going on for over 30 years since the DoJ sequestered PROMIS from Bill and Nancy Hamilion and ruined the career of any legal professional or even murdered members of the public that attempted to enforce those property rights or find in favor of Inslaw with respect to restitution for the initial crime of theft, which is what it was.
Both Judge George Francis Bason and former Attorney General Elliot Richardson were convinced that PROMIS, the very foundation of the surveillance state as revealed by Edward Snowden, was stolen. Two men of very high moral character and professionalism were totally ignored by a pernicious and corrupt militarized power structure that is known to rely upon the proceeds of drug trafficking and money laundering to fund and enrich itself, is known to murder people, is known to engage in state-sponsored disinformation campaigns and, even though stolen PROMIS software was originally sold to the banks, the surveillance apparatus never stopped systemic mortgage backed security and CDO fraud. Corporations like Wackenhut never enforced laws on any banks, they worked for the banks to maximize profits for the banks. So it’s eminently likely that Octopus insiders profited from the destruction of the global economy in 2008 and the subsequent banker bailouts as well.
It is precisely this muddle of concerns created by the monetary system, whereby the private and public good cannot be differentiated, that has given rise to the CoVid-19 crisis and the meltdown of Western Institutions and media. Nothing good could ever possibly have come from the normalization of militarized state-sponsored narco-terrorism and the hijacking of infrastructure and institutions by this monster under a veneer of Reaganite/.Thatcherite Newspeak: the result of that karma is the society that we we live in. Justice was shredded (BitcoinSV backup) for profits, but still there is no money and nobody knows where it went.
In 2022 we can trust that we’re always being spied upon, we can trust that private Black Ops agents are intermingling with us in every walk of life, we can trust that these people mostly work for gate-kept financial Power Capital concerns, but we can’t trust each other, we can’t trust that we will be able to pay our bills from month to month, we can’t trust whether we’ll have three square meals each day for the next 12 months, we can’t trust academics, doctors, scientists and engineers, we can’t trust journalists, in many cases people can’t even trust their families nor their partners. As Professor Sam Vakin puts it: we live in a Dystopia that is, perhaps, the worst of all worlds.
In ‘Surveillance Realism and the Politics of Imagination: Is There No Alternative?’, Lina Dencik, Co-Director of the Data Justice Lab at the University of Cardiff, summons the spirit of Mark Fisher to coin a new term in light of ongoing surveillance disclosures: Surveillance Realism.
I would go further, citing Judge George Francis Bason, former Attorney General Elliot Richardson, Danny Casolaro, the continuation of Danny’s work done by Cheri Seymour, Ted Gunderson, Danny Sheehan, Michael Richonosciuto and the ongoing investigations into the Octopus murders that resulted in the conviction of Russell Huber as recently as 2017, in a case associated with John P. Nichols, former Vice-Chairman of the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians and employer of the Hit-man Jimmy Nichols, to suggest that we have allowed a band of thugs gain significant influence over our society, our law enforcement, our politics, our technology and our military at the behest of global financial Power Capital. To merge phrases with Shoshana Zuboff, Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler what we are faced with is rather ‘Financial-Surveillance Power Capitalist Realism’.
This has killed investigative journalism itself like it killed investigative journalists themselves, it has made basic goodness into a de-facto dead end in the labor market in any serious sense, it has replaced due process with trial by social media, it has replaced Jesus as a moral basis, or even any cogent philosophy whatsoever, with weird sex stuff made up by Tumblr Furries in the early 2010s. It is sold by smarmy replicants like Tony Blair, David Cameron and Nick Clegg like a second hand Toyota Prius and then enforced by po-faced try hard Mondeo Men, clueless NIMBY-istic Posh-Left nincompoops and corrupt party apparatchiks who have abandoned the very basis of both the Scottish Enlightenment and Labor Movement themselves. Enforcers have neither interest in free markets nor raising class consciousness over and above the paperwork to keep their zombie business running, their buy to let portfolios, NGO credentialist greasy pole climbing, and Ted Talk dog and pony show merry-go-rounds. And it has done all this for the pure Orwellian purpose of further centralizing wealth, power and control.
The Money
My previous post ‘Money, Violence and Crime’ would act as a good primer for this section.
Major clients of Wackenhut’s investigative services are the insurance industry and financial interests. These services include insurance inspections, corporate acquisition surveys, personnel background reports, pre-employment screening, polygraph examinations and general criminal, fraud and arson investigations.
— Wackenhut Employment Induction Manual
The movie The Infiltrator was based on Robert Mazur who helped to blow the BCCI Scandal wide open. Recent FOIAs from show that BCCI was also of interest to Danny Casolaro’s investigations into Inslaw. Robert Mazur gave insight into the shear scale of global organized crime in a 2014 TV interview, presumably while the movie was in production.
The fall out of the BCCI scandal led to the 1991 Sandstorm Report delivered by Price Waterhouse to the Bank of England, highlighting regulatory failings but since then the problems have only gotten worse:
Khalid bin Mafouz, implicated in the BCCI was later implicated in laundering money to Al-Qaeda prior to the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Bin Mafouz was also sold PROMIS software in the 1980s by Manucher Ghorbanifar, the man that Oliver North blamed for the Iran-Contra Affair.
As a result of the invasion of Afghanistan, the operations of ‘The Company’ as described by Michael Richonosciuto expanded to deliver 90% of the world’s heroin and introduce methamphetamine production to Afghanistan
Robert Mazur states that global organized crime linked to drugs is a $2 trillion annual revenue industry, making it 2.5 times the size of the US Military Industrial Complex.
With respect to Warburg Pincus’ plan to take Allied Universal public with a three way Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation deal with Barry Sternlicht, Warburg Pincus was founded originally with the help of John Vogelstein, who had earlier helped Mellon Financial, again of Pennsylvania, to avoid bankruptcy. Mellon financial were the bank founded by the Mellon family, the oldest money in the state of Pennsylvania with strong ties to the Carnegie family. What the Allied Universal IPO deal represents in CoVid stimulus money finally ‘trickling down’ to ordinary people, but with the kicker that in order to gain the benefit from it they must buy into a security apparatus acting in the interests of those who created the financial crisis that required the stimulus in the first instance. If prevailing academic economic doctrine needed a single empirical counterfactual example of a Lemon Market in stimulus money and in the regulatory structure of markets themselves, it is this. But they will turn a blind eye in the same way that Harvard University turned a blind eye to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein getting his own office space on the Harvard Campus while on his payroll.
The current President and Managing Director of Warbug Pincus is Timothy Geithner, who, after the 2009 financial crisis, was caught by Lord James of Blackheath laundering $15 trillion through British banks, $5 trillion of which was deposited to pubicly owned The Royal Bank of Scotland behind the backs of both regulators and the British taxpayers, off the back of non-existent gold in February 2012, informing the House of Lords on 16 February 2012 (start time 17:20).
Mellon Financial hived off its consumer banking business, Citizen’s Financial Group, to RBS in 2001 and then merged with the Bank of New York, originally the Bank of North America of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, America’s first chartered bank and de facto Central Bank, chartered by the Congress of Confederation, to form BNY Mellon in 2007, just a year before the 2008 financial crisis. As usual the British taxpayer gets left holding the thin margin shitty end of the stick in the deal when RBS is bailed out, while BNY Mellon aren’t even required to mark their property portfolio and associated derivatives position to market to this day.
The result of all this is that we are ruled by empty and ruthless people governed themselves, emotionally, by what Nick Land termed ‘the desert at the heart of religion’.
'Spinoza changes the sense of desert religion: no longer a religion sprung from the desert, but it becomes a desert at the heart of religion. Spinoza's substance is a desert God. God as impersonal zero, as a death that remains the unconscious subject of production. Within Spinozism God is dead, but only in the sense of zombie becomings, as that which Deleuze calls 'the plane of consistency' described in A Thousand Plateaus by the words 'fusionability as infinite zero.'
— Nick Land, Making it With Death
'It is easier to kill the living than it is the undead in lots of ways'
— Mark Fisher
We’re born, we try to understand the world around us, we try to develop a healthy sense of ‘relating with the world’, we have mentors, we have role models, we’re told how things should be, we find out, each in our own way, that they aren’t that way. We then make do, given the tools at our disposal. Some make do by joining mafias and gangs, some by joining churches, some are prescribed medicines like their feelings of discomfort are a pathology unto themselves, others take all kinds of drugs willingly. Each in our own way we suffer, we doubt, we experience depression and are haunted by the memory of the future that never arrived. Some die young, some die old, and in between being born and dying, we experience life and that life is and only ever could be what we make of it.
My conclusion is that life is sacred and that what makes life sacred is not all this complexity that we have introduced as a supposedly ‘intelligent’ species, it is the basic goodness that exists inside all of us that gives all of us a sense of wisdom to know that all is not what it seems, that there is more going on than meets the eye. The systems around us are built to crush that native curiosity and smother our natural emotions and innate senses in entertainment, in parody, until our very existence becomes so purely performative and absent of native awareness that we are like clowns encased in bricks of imposed urgency, of ‘alien agendas’, so to speak. The inner desert of the empty and the ruthless at the top, with all their lists, their psychological profiling, their risk models, their carefully crafted balance of fear, their productivity quotas and bottom lines, is imposed upon us lest we become ostracized, alone, targeted, blacklisted, censored, mobbed or even, like those associated with the Inslaw Octopus in the 1980s, murdered.
To succumb to the inherently cowardly moral desert of the undead is to die many times over, but to live in native self confidence and native awareness is to live like a warrior, such that death itself arrives but once.
Rest in Peace Danny Casolaro, this world didn’t deserve you.
Special Mentions
Radioactive Banana:
Cheri Seymour: (BitcoinSV backup)
Mae Brussell:
Cast of Characters in Danny Casolaro’s Octopus Manuscript:
Richard Helms - Director of Central Intelligence from 1966 to 1973. Ordered the destruction of all files related to the MK Ultra mind control experiments in 1973. US Ambassador to Iran from April 1973 to January 1977. Attended Le Rosey Prep School, Switzerland with the Shah of Iran in the 1930s. On return to the USA, Helms set up a consulting firm called ‘Safeer’ (Persian for ambassador) on K Street, Washington D.C. (a center for lobbyists) which helped Iranians to do business in the USA (i.e. prepare for the event of CIA organised revolution). After the 1979 revolution, he helped with overseas investments (i.e. helped those Iranians sympathetic to the CIA to invest money overseas.) Therefore probably introduced Manucher Ghorbanifar onto the scene.
Howard Hunt - organised the Watergate burglaries. Served 33 months in prison. Worked as an officer for the Economic Cooperation Administration (Marshall Plan). Worked under William Buckley Jr at the Office of Policy Coordination in Mexico City. Operation PBFortune, Operation PBSuccess, Guatamala Coup 1954. Helped to organize the Pay of Pigs Invasion. Executive Assistant to Allen Dulles (Project Paperclip organizer and likely linked to the assassination of John F Kennedy imho).
George Pender - founded General Electric's jet propulsion laboratory in Lockland, Ohio in 1947, moved to Los Angeles and founded General Aerojet in 1957 (probably today Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, El Segundo, California). Founded ‘First Intercontinental Development Company’ with Robert Booth Nichols which according to KESQ-3 was into gun running and money laundering.
Theodore Shackley - ‘The Blonde Ghost’, Station Chief in Miami in the 1960s, same time Wackenhut were growing in the Florida area. Headed JMWAVE covert operations office, operational HQ of Operation Mongoose (terrorism against civilians, false flags, covert ops led by Major Edward Lansdale on the US Military side and William King Harvey on the CIA side.) Director of the Phoenix Program in the Vietnam War (real life Colonel Kurtz stuff). CIA Station Chief in Laos 1966-1968, Saigon CIA Station Chief 1968-1973. In 1976 appointed Associate Deputy Director of Operations and second in command of CIA covert operations (official Deputy Directors likely puppet/token appointments). In 1972 spearheaded regime change in Chile via Project FUBELT as head of CIA ‘Western Hemisphere Operations’ (again another made up job title). Licio Gelli, head of P2 Freemasons a close friend of Augusto Pinochet, according in FOIA documents from 1981, this corroborates Richard Brenneke vis a vis CIA denials. Again links to Manucher Ghorbanifar via Iran-Contra via fellow former SAVAK officer Manouchehr Hashemi. Document declassified in 2009: Undercover Armies, CIA and Surrogate Warfare in Laos.
Thomas G. Clines - covert Cuba operation 1961 and 1962, worked at JMWAVE, Laos and then also in Chile with Theodore Shackley (likely Shackley’s sidekick).
Ray S. Cline - Chief analyst of the CIA during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Head of the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence from 1962 to 1966. Appointed by Richard Helms to be Special Coordinator to the US Ambassador in Bonn, Germany in 1966 (likely as part of post Marshall Plan USAID work and NATO work.) Gerhard Schroder statement on De Gaulle’s partial withdrawal from NATO in Bonn, March 1966. Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research from 26/10/1969 to 24/11/1973. Oversaw US intelligence gathering in the lead up to the 1973 Arab-Israeli War.
Harry Gillam - also known as ‘Double Deuce’, deceased, no info
Eric Sercowles - British Intelligence, no info
Kim Philby - British Intelligence suspected defector, exonerated, basis of the John le Carre novel ‘Tinker Tailor, Solider, Spy’, worked for The Economist and The Observer from 1956 in Beirut after the scandal. Journalism covered for his continued work for MI6. Later escaped and defected to the USSR in January 1963. Worked in the KGB’s Active Measures Department. Recently disclosed files released in 2020, with Guardian article. Possible links to James Jesus Angleton?, perhaps Angleton was investigating him? Definitely an Israeli connection given Beirut and Angleton’s network.
John Anthony Walker - US Navy communications specialist. Sentenced to life for spying for the USSR. Involved in the Pueblo incident where a US spy ship was captured by North Korea. Took a plea deal to testify against co-conspirator Jerry Whitworth. Engtangled more broadly in the Jonathan Pollard Affair over which Rafi Eitan resigned. Eitan was involved in selling promise via Ari Ben-Menashe (featured on Australian TV here) and Earl Brian (Reagan October Surprise organizer as described in the book Gideon’s Spies by Gordon Thomas.
Edward Lee Howard - CIA Defector to the Soviet Union, involved in the CIA Disinformation Controversy, Howard served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in the early 1970s, later in Peru as a USAID loan officer. Hired by the CIA in 1980, fired by the CIA in 1983, shortly before we was to be sent to be stationed in Moscow, went a bit loopy over it, started sending messages to the KGB in Austria around 1984. Accused by Soviet defector Vitaly Yurchenko of working for the KGB along with Ronald Pelton, but then Yurchenko defected back. Yurchenko thought to have been possibly protecting KGB Double Agent Aldrich Ames, alternatively a legitimate defector who got cold feet (weird re-double, triple agent scenario). Felt he was a scapegoat for Yurchenko and other things and that’s why he fled to the USSR for protection. Died in 2002 of a broken neck from a ‘fall’: possible murder again. Seems like both Howard and Yurchenko were involved in high stakes brinkmanship of re-double and triple agency over something else: possibly drug cartels, guns, money ‘The Company’ business in Latin America where Howard started? did it link to Kim Philby?
Ronald Pelton - disclosed Operation Ivy Bells to Vitaly Yurchenko at the USSR Embassy in Washington DC in 1980. Sentenced to three concurrent life sentences + 10 years. Released in November 2015 on parole after serving 30 years at Federal Correctional Institution, Allenwood, Pennsylvania.
Pat Moriarty - Fireworks company owner (knowledge of chemistry, ballistics, ability to source chemicals for Cabazon Reservation testing)
Marshall Riconosciuto - worked in the fireworks company with Pat Moriarty (father to Michael)
Michael Richonosciuto - the man with the key affidavit to the Wackenhut + Cabazon operation, vast knowledge of technical modifications to PROMIS and for whom and lots of detailed information about ‘Company’ operations in Cheri Seymour’s Last Circle (BitcoinSV backup)
Paul Morasca - MR’s partner, murdered in 1982
Fred Alvarez - Most likely murdered by Jimmy Hughes (Octopus Murders)
Mary Quick - friend of Paul Morasca, murdered 1982
Earl W. Brian - was rewarded with PROMIS software for helping Reagan organize the October Surprise v Jimmy Carter according to Michael Richonosciuto. Well acquainted with Rafi Eitan and Ari Ben-Menashe who got Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine, to help sell the PROMIS software.
William Hamilton - Inslaw Founder and PROMIS creator
Captain Eugene (Red) McDaniel - Navy/Marine Corps Liaison to the US House of Representatives, Vietnam Veteran, captured and tortured during the Vietnam War, leading advocate of the Vietnam War POW/MIA issue (strong links to operations in Laos and therefore Theodore Shackley and Thomas G. Clines. John Kerry and John McCain covered up.
Danny Sheehan - Christic Institute, focus on El Salvador and Nicaragua, against Oliver North
Senator Robert Byrd - long serving Senator (West Virginia) in the history of the US from 1959 until his death in 2010. Originally opposed the 1964 Civil Right Act, and supported the Vietnam War, later changed his mind. Strong critic of Reagan’s stance on the Iran-Iraq War. I don’t understand politics, and info about him is mostly fluffy political speak.
Harry Rupp, CIA pilot, probably deceased in 2010
Richard J. Brenneke - Testified that he had worked for the CIA and Air America in Southeast Asia to the Kerry Committee on CIA drug trafficking. Document declassified in 2009: Undercover Armies, CIA and Surrogate Warfare in Laos. Testified before the October Surprise Task Force, to which Michael Richonosciuto was not asked. Involved in the Brokers of Death arms case with Avraham Bar-Am, a Brigadier in the 1973 Arab–Israeli War and second in command of the North Army in the 1982 Lebanon War, and William Northrop. Northrop made sworn testimony to the October Surprise Task Force that his arms sale to Iran was part of the Quid Pro Quo to arrange the October Surprise between Reagan and Iran. This links back to Earl W. Brian, Rafi Eitan and Ari Ben-Menashe and the PROMIS deals. In July 1990 disclosed information that the CIA supported the P2 Freemasons and their involvement in the Assassination of Olof Palme, CIA issued immediate denial. CIA seems to repeatedly deny any affiliation to Brenneke, but that Danny Casolaro names him, seems to tie him to lots of things.
Donald Gregg - United States Ambassador to South Korea. Started in the military in 1945 as a crypt-analyst. Joined the CIA in 1951, around the same time as George Wackenhut. From 1975 to 1980 he worked in Washington DC responding to the Pike Committee.
Prescott Bush Jr - brother of George HW Bush 41st POTUS, uncle of George W Bush 43rd POTUS, deceased 2010
Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud - Saudi Prince
Ari Ben-Menashe - interviewed by Australian television about Inslaw and PROMIS, associated with Earl W. Brian Rafi Eitan, and Robert Maxwell to sell PROMIS via Israel and organize the October Surprise deal with Iran.
John Delaroque - friend of Ben-Menashe mentioned in the Brokers of Death arms case, linking back to Richard J. Brenneke and the October Surprise Task Force.
Gerald Bull - Project Babylon Supergun project creator, assassinated by Mossad for working for Saddam Hussein. Project Babylon forerunner was called Project HARP and tested at Yuma Proving Ground. Spent six months at Federal Correctional Institution, Allenwood, Pennsylvania (same prison as Ronald Pelton) for selling artillery to South Africa, ARMSCOR, to help their army match that of the USSR’s in Angola. Rewarded with US citizenship by act of congress via a bill from Barry Goldwater (the Godfather of Reagan-ism). Worked on Project Babylon concurrently with Iraq’s Scud missiles at Poudreries Réunies de Belgique. Assassinated in 1990 entering his apartment in Brussels with five point blank gunshots to the head. PRB went bankrupt the same year. According to Gordon Thomas, Bull’s assassination was authorized by Israeli President Yitzhak Shamir. Mossand Director-General Nahum Admoni, who was also there during Iran-Contra, sent a three man Mossad team to Bull’s apartment in Belgium.
Barry Seal - commercial airline pilot and drug smuggler assassinated by the Medellin Cartel in 1986. Did he use Jacqueline Cochrane Regional Airport?
Andrew C. Thornton II - Kentucky drug smuggler assassinated in 1985
Bernard Cornfield died 1995
Robert Vesco
Edwin P. Wilson - former CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence officer who was convicted in 1983 of illegally selling weapons to Libya. It was later found that the United States Department of Justice and the CIA had covered up evidence in the case. Wilson's convictions were overturned in 2003 and he was freed the following year
Roy Furmark - businessman implicated in Iran-Contra, associate of Adnan Khashoggi and William Casey. Worked with ‘World Trade Group’ with Cyrus Hashemi associated with the Brokers of Death arms case and Iran-Contra. Links back to Richard J. Brenneke.
Adnan Khashoggi - observant Muslim, See Manucher Ghorbanifar, uncle of Jamal Khashoggi, assassinated at the behest Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman related to criticisms of Pegasus Spyware, acquainted with Osama bin Laden, tried to turn bin Laden away from violence with the help of Crown Prince Abdullah. Died in Jun 2017, aged 82. Reputed to have been worth anywhere between $5 billion to $100 billion.
Ihsan Barbouti - Iraqi arms dealer, likely linked to Gerald Bull
Manucher Ghorbanifar HIGH PRIORITY INDIVIDUAL - Oliver North’s best friend, in the middle of lots of things with his Iranian and Israeli links, associated with Curt Weldon, the Vice-Chair of the Armed Services Committee and the House Homeland Security Committee and the Duma-Congress Study Group, who again lives a stone's throw from Allied Universal HQ in Thornton, PA. Story from The Front, 2005 (BSV Backup). Sold PROMIS to Khalid bin Mafouz, along with Richard Armitage and Adnan Khashoggi, bin Mafouz is suspected of funding Al-Qaeda prior to 9/11. Also an associate of Zalmay Khalilzhad who organized the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Allegedly has had two CIA burn notices issued against him.
Kamal Taki - Judge, Beirut, Lebanon
Cyril Fairhurst - British Intelligence rogue network opsec, no info
Robert Chasen - FBI Agent, Wackenhut Director, Commissioner of US Customs 1977-1980 under Jimmy Carter, died 2005
Robert Frye - Wackenhut Executive, possible obituary which doesn’t mention Wackenhut
Chinese Triad Leaders: Hong Kong, Bangkok, Australia and Vancouver
Japanese Yakuza Leaders: Hong Kong and Tokyo
Khun Sa - Burmese, Ethnic Chinese Drug Lord, drug dealer in the Golden Triangle, will therefore have been linked with Theodore Shackley, Richard J. Brenneke and Document declassified in 2009: Undercover Armies, CIA and Surrogate Warfare in Laos and Vietnam War POW/MIA issue, died 2007
Bernie Houghton - links to Nugan Hand Bank, from 1964 to 1967 was involved in business activities related to the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia, therefore Theodore Shackley, Thomas G. Clines and Khun Sa was probably supplying ARMSCOR with Gerald Bull, via which Houghton worked through Edwin P Wilson at the US Office of Intelligence. Also Chinese Triads in Australia.
Michael Jon Hand - cofounded Nugan Hand Bank, former solider with CIA links, involved in the secret war in Laos, Document declassified in 2009: Undercover Armies, CIA and Surrogate Warfare in Laos and Vietnam War POW/MIA issue, Theodore Shackley, Richard J. Brenneke associations. founded TOPS Knives,